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EfshariBari in the City 2023: 78 Authorities Have Joined the EfshariBari in the City Project
This is the fifth year of the EfshariBari in the City project, which is designed to improve the health of residents. The number of recognized authorities increased by 36% compared to 2022.
Efsharibari in the City 2022: The Old and New Authorities that Work for the Health of the Residents
The fourth year of the project sees a new route for supporting the authorities in the early stages of establishing a health unit and a leap in health promotion activities in the authorities
Policy Measures for Promoting Health in the Workplace
Summary of the legislative and regulatory measures for promoting physical activity, healthy nutrition, and reduced smoking in the workplace
Healthy and Active Lifestyle in the Education System During Wartime
Recommendations and educational materials for physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, applicable to both in-person and remote learning settings, as well as for centers internally displaced people.
Tap Water – Clearly Healthy, Especially in the Summer
Drinking tap water in Israel is safe. It is crucial to drink more, especially when temperatures rise. How the water reaches our tap, why it is recommended to drink it, and more.
Nutritional Recommendations
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